Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 9 - July 18, 2013

Day 9 - July 18, 2013

Final Online Reflection

Answer the following four questions respectfully, thoughtfully and honestly:

1. What was the most interesting thing you learned in summer school?
2. What did you find to be challenging about summer school?
3. If you could give one piece of advice to another Emerson student about summer school, what would it be?
4. If you could give one piece of advice to the Emerson summer school staff about what to do differently next year, what would you tell us?


  1. 1)one important thing I learned in summer school is that it doesn't take much to help change the world . 2) I found it challenging to wake up early every morning and making it on time. 3)I would tell them to do everything have h to do during the school year because even though summer school id only to week its a year worth of work that has to be done. 4)there isn't nothing I would really tell the staff to do differently everything ran pretty smooth and you guys were well organized. BRITTANY GARRIQUES!!!

  2. The most interesting thing I learned in summer school was about Australia. I always thought that it was abandoned and didn't really have to much going on. After my research I found out just how exciting it is. With 16 different beautiful landscape Australia is an amazing tourist attraction. The most challenging part of summer school is keeping to myself. My main problem during the school year was distractions so I had to make sure that I could remain focused on whet I need to do in order to pass. My major piece of advice to all Emerson summer school students is to just leave everything at the door. The drama, the fact that you're having a bad day everything should be left at the door. Your main concern should be you passing and honestly make sure you keep your priorities straight. I would tell the Emerson school staff to teach like this during the school year. For some reason they are way more fun in the summer than in regular school. This time around they actually kept me interested and the fact that they didn't tell us what to do and instead told us what needed to be done made learning so much better.

  3. 1.The most intresting thing I leaned in summer school, was natural disasters. This was interesting, because before I came to summer school, I did not know much about it but now I do.

    2. The only thing that was challenging was the film guide/daily warm up. If I was un able to answer the questions or think of anything else to write, it would take me a while to fill up the page.

    3. I would tell another Emerson student, to always stay on task. If you allow yourself to constanly get distracted then you wont pass. And if they don't pass, then it' Sumer school for them. But if they keep focus they will be fine.

    4.I actually think the Emerson staff did a good job, and they do not need to improve.

  4. The most interesting thing I learned in summer school this year was that In DEAR class I learned how to detail our Geology project. The most challenging thing in summer school was that I need to practice writing out my thoughts more so I can get better grades. The piece of advice I would give to another Emerson student about summer school is that you should listen to your teachers and work as hard as you can and your will be alright in the future. The piece of advice I would give to the summer school staff about what to do differently next year is to ask them give us more hands on projects.

  5. 1.the most interesting part of summer school was doing something new and different and where we can all work together .
    2.the one thing that was challenging was the model for our project because we didn't know what and how to put it together.
    3.what I would tell another Emerson student is to always stay on task and never end up in summer school. It is the blow .
    4. What I think that the staff should do for summer school next year is to give less work . Because yah have been doing a lot ! But I enjoyed this task so nothing needs to be changed.

  6. 1. the most interesting thing i learned about in summer school was about how all the subjects, math, science, English, history/geography, all tie together when talking about how natural disaster impact the earth.
    2. the only thing i found challenging about summer school was the writing. It was hard for me to fill up a whole page, especially because i was writing about things i didn't know much about.
    3. um, try to pass all your classes so you don't get summer school.
    4. i wouldn't give any advice, i mean, it's not like you would listen anyway. but, maybe get more glue for the projects (do you know how hard it was for me to find glue?)

    janel russell

  7. Asante March :
    The most thing interesting thing I Learned in summer school was about the different types of natrual disasters. I Knew alittle bit about natrual disasters before i came to summer school but know i know alot about the different types of disasters and what they can do and how dangerous it is to stay in your homes while a natrual or man -made disaster is going on. The only thing that was difficult for me was to write out more details i hate exspressing or writing out details.
    If i had to give advice to an emerson student about summerschool it would be ,be prepared to do alot of writing .One thing i liked was the movie film's it was different. If i had to give one pieace of advice to the emerson staff for next year it wuld be to keep doing what your doing...But try different things with the students to get there attention better.

  8. The most interesting thing I learned in summer school was all the different aspects of natural disasters, how they form and what exactly happens while they're taking place. Also I never knew they global warming was a natural disaster and before these two weeks I never thought about it much. Now I feel more educated about the affects of global warming on us all and what we could do to help prevent it. The only thing I found difficult was getting up early and staying in school for so long, summer school hours are longer then our regular school hours. The only advice I would give to someone about summer school is don't get summer school! Pass all your classes and do anything you can to not get summer school, you won't enjoy it. Next year, if teachers are still going to be making the students watch movies they should take out the essay writing, that was the most annoying part of my day.

  9. the most interesting thing i learned was how if ireally want to pass i will do alot of work to pass. the most challenging part was finishing a bookin a short period of time. my advice to an emerson student would be its only to short weeks its not year go back to the old format with the presentation in the autoturium.

  10. 1. What was the most interesting thing you learned in summer school?
    2. What did you find to be challenging about summer school?
    3. If you could give one piece of advice to another Emerson student about summer school, what would it be?
    4. If you could give one piece of advice to the Emerson summer school staff about what to do differently next year, what would you tell us?

    Well the most interesting thing I learned is that the government can pay for some of our insurance. As you can see this wasn’t really a learning experience for me. I just wanted to do what I needed to do and get out. I think the hardest thing for me was to find ways to fill up a whole page for the morning prompts because sometimes they were just so simple, I think like the last prompt was two personal questions that needed no real deep thinking to answer. So that was really tough, I think another challenge was getting along with all of these guys… have the time I was stuck next to some kid who just kept talking about noting. The words coming out of that mouth held no meaning or relevance to anything. I think the only advice that is really needed for Emerson kids is just not to wind up there do what ever it takes to avoid summer school even…. doing the assigned work (gasp). I think the only thing I would change would be to let us decided the movie the teachers would obviously censor stuff out but I think Emerson is smart enough to find a good movie

  11. 1. The most interesting thing I learned in summer school was about natural disasters. I never really payed attention to it because where we live it doesn't really happen to us. But when you really do your research we are so lucky because other places get disasters so much. Another thing is how all the subjects we do in school describe natural disasters that happen.

    2. The only thing that was challenging about summer school was having to fill out those movie guides at the end of the day. You get so caught up in the movie you forget you have two sheets to answer about the movie your watching then you have to hurry towards the end because you have the reflection to do afterwards.

    3. Honestly I feel like nothing would really change if our opinions were given. All I could ask for is for lunch to be longer because that's really our only time we can socialize without teachers yelling at us about talking.
    Racquel Sterling

  12. Marisol Rodriguez

    1. the most interesting thing i learned in summer school was the types of natural disaster that occur around the world constantly that we dont really hear about well at least i dont and the amount of people killed by these natural disasters
    2.what i found to be challenging about summer school was thinking of ways to create my model and waking up early to be here at 8 o'clock
    3. if i could give advice to another emerson student about summer school it would be DONT GO TO SUMMER SCHOOL. do everything you have to do to pass your classes because waking up early and being in school for so long really gets annoying.
    4. if i had to give a piece of advice to the summer school staff it would be treat us a little less like babies, like making us have a pass for everywhere we go, or reading questions on a paper that we can read ourselves and so on.

  13. The most interesting thing i learned in these past few days is all the different things about natural disasters, like why they only occur in some places and not others, how much global warming takes a toll on the world, and what really goes on when it happens and how much it affects people. honestly i never thought global warming was just something that wouldn't have much toll on the earth, but these past few days i learned that its happening now, and if we don't stop it before it gets worse, its not going to end well. the only thing i found difficult was actually being in school during the summer, i would wake up get ready to go out or i would just stay in bed but then remember that i have too go too school till 4pm. the advice i would give someone is, try your best to avoid summer school, i know the school year is hard and frustrating, but you don't want to add two more weeks of work and waking up early, so just buckle down and get your work down. honestly i think it should stay the same, because you guys aren't giving us too much work, but not too little, its just the right amount, if we had work like this during the school year i wouldn't have been here.

  14. 1. I didnt really learn anything interesting , I just learned more about the natural disasters.
    2. The challenging part of summer school for me was making it on time, I really thought i wasnt gonna make it through but I did.
    3.My advice to another emerson student would be to NOT, fail any classes because summer school is dreadful , and even though its two weeks, its still horrible. Just do what you have to do.
    4. Honestly, To the summer school staff make less rules, I swear every morning we came in their were new rules . but we know less rules isnt happening so .... I have no advice for them.
    -Allea Green

  15. Tatiyanna Islar

    These last two weeks has taught me about many natural disasters. Facts that i never knew about such as the amount of casualties , how they form and why. These last 2 weeks has also taught me to plan ahead to prepair for natural disasters and the safety of what to expect. I founnd the projects to be difficult at first until i was able to actually try and work together with my peers in order to get what we had to do properly and on time.The advise i'd give to someone who's about to go to summer school is , its no joke & its not a game the amount of work thats requred to do for those two weeks are overwhelming. Just do what you have to do in order to get out and never have to go again.I honestly have nothing that i think they should change we're not there for leiser so changing what the emerson staff has done so would be basically asking to make the two weeks simpler. The point of summer school is to make us learn from failing and picking ourselves up to get back on track.

  16. Lisandro Jimenez

    1. One thing that I've learned in summer school was how much we Hurt the earth with such little things that we don't notice we are.
    2.i think the most challenging part of summer school was having to wake up again early for two more week never again will I have to go to summer school.
    3.One piece of advise I would give would have to be to do your work during the year all the time make it on times to class and do all your homework it helps.
    4.One advice that I would give the staff would be to cut is some slack on the elevator it's to early to wake up and walk five flight of stairs.

  17. The most interestimg thing i learned this year is the different disasters around the world. i never realized how many and how often disasters happen and effect our world.
    this year i found the projects challenging. it makes no sence that we had to do 5 different projects in 10 days. epecially when other group members don contribute to the project.
    if i could recommend advice to a emerson student, it would be to do all their work during the school year instead of suffering the 10 days in summer school
    some advice to the summer school staff is to not expect perfection building a 3d model. it is not gonna be as perfect as a picasso piece. i would also recommend not yelling at us for the smallest stuff or treating us like were in pre-school

    1. also stop reminding us were in summer school to make us feel dumb. that doesnt make things any better

  18. 1. what I learned in summer school is that us humans are so lazy to take a step forward on not only to save the earth but to keep it clean. We're responsible for the climate changes and melting glaciers.
    2. I think the most difficult thing about summer school is to wake up and get to school on time.
    3. don't waste your time procastinating, you're credits that you'd have to make up will build up. You'll regret going to summer school for only two credits if you need to make up more.
    4. Advice that I would give to the staff would be that when watching the movie make sure the tall people sit in the back and try to arrange seating in a certain way when everyone can see.

  19. Diresh Sukhram
    1: One thing I learned in summer school is how we have affected the Earth with global warming and how different disasters affect the people who came in direct contact with it as well as the people around the world for them to become aware.
    2: The most challenging thing during summer school for me was the math because some of it I didn't even know and I guess I forgot the rest if I had already known it.
    3: The most important advice I would give to another student in Emerson is to never fail your classes because you WILL regret it when you are in summer school because you could be on vacation but instead, you are sitting in school for two weeks doing a whole semesters worth of work within two weeks.
    4: One thing I would tell the staff is to stop yelling as much and making us feel dumb by keep reminding us that we are in summer school. We don't want to be there as much as you do!

  20. 1. The most interesting thing I've learned in my two weeks of summer school was global warming. It's really crazy to think about how our world will look in the future due to all the things that cause global warming.
    2. The most challenging part of summer school was the movie guides. It was hard to fill up an entire page with questions that can be answered in two sentences.
    3. If I were to give one piece of advice to another Emerson student about summer school it would be do anything you can to avoid going. You don't want to waste 8 hours a day for 2 weeks going to summer school when you can just put in effort throughout the year to pass your classes.
    4. One thing the Emerson staff should do differently next year is the group projects. Some people don't put in any work but still will get credit for it.

  21. Dameek bristole

    1. i learn most about droughts and's becaues i have more explerant with earthqucks.

    2.the final project was the most challenging it also take way to long finding the info.

    3. i will say that summer school is more challenging then before and there is more work to be done

    4. keep all your notes and worksheets to be on tacks

  22. The most interesting thing I learned in summer school is about the rate of death in America yearly because if Global Warming.
    In all seriousness the hardest part was the long days we had to endure. It was pretty brutal.
    I would tell them that it isn't the worst thing but you should probably just do your work so you don't end up needing to make up credits.
    The teachers were great, hey had everything under control and the Trip was planned perfectly. One thing I didn't like was the essays and the boring movies.
    Devon Danglade

  23. Tejwantie Ramdial

    1. The most interesting thing I learned about in summer school was the consequences of global warming. We don't realize how much damage we are causing to the planet, and our generation and future generations will have to pay the price. I think it's interesting how nature works together, changing one thing could also affect something else. One disaster can lead to another, we need to change our ways before its too late.

    2. I think the most challenging part if summer school, was actually showing up to class.

    3. If I could give a piece of advice to another Emerson student I would tell them never slack off because once you start, you don't want to stop and it becomes a habit. Before you know it you're in too deep, you have to stay focused on getting out of high school. That should be your only priority, everything else can wait.

    4. I wouldn't change anything about summer school. I think the Emerson summer school staff handles it very well. Students shouldn't expect summer school to be fun and games.

  24. Ryan Ricketts

    Summer school was long the first week. At first I thought I wouldn't make it, but as soon as I started to do my work, I realized that I had what it took to make it through. I learned all kinds of things in Summer School, we I had One subject to go through. How does Natural Disasters impact humanity? That was our main topic to go through. I dominated on it and never gave up. The most interesting thing about summer school was the time we went to the Natural History Museum. The most challenging part of summer school was the project that we had to make into a 3d diagram. As an advice to New fresh mans, learn all you can because it will help a lot and give you opportunities of a lifetime. To the staff members, I give only one advice, let us use the elevators

  25. 1. Learned not one thing interesting in summer school.
    2. The most challenging part I had in summer school was watching the movie cause every ten minutes it got put on pause -__-
    3. I don't have One piece of advice to another summer school student.
    4. ... I don't have any because at the end of the day y'all teachers don't listen to nothing students gotta say and stop treating us like we juvenile delinquents and.

    P.S. the schools name should be renamed to QDCC

  26. 1. I have learned nothing at all interesting in summer school, that I haven't known already.
    2. Putting up with the inconvenience of travelling to and from the opposite end of queens, or suffolk county at 8 for some summer school program with excess and unnecessary work.
    3. More intelligent people are in summer school than anything else. So just do what you can to pass, and avoid getting summer school altogether.
    4. Don't overwork students, that doesn't push us to work harder. That pushes students to become insolent. So balance is key, even for staff.

    -Omar Cochrane.

  27. The most interesting I learned in summer school was learning about several natural disasters. For example before summer school I did not know hurricanes had 5 categories. I thought all hurricanes were the same. What I found challenging was the math part of the project. Making 5 equations for a model was hard.Advice I would give is to make sure you do all your work because if you don't you would lose credits.Next year the topic should be drugs and teenage life choices. This is the time of life kids made crazy decions

  28. The most interesting thing i learned in summer school was about about the damages of global warming and how big of an emotional and physical toll it can have on people. The most challenging thing for me in summer was keeping up with some of the work because we had so much for no reason. Some advice i would give to another emerson student is no lackin dont skip class and get to class and that first period class on time cause it count odee. And dont just because u missed first period and u got gym next u just gonna come in late and miss two classes. The advice i can give to the staff for summer school next year is pick more interesting topics so kids will not give so much adittude to all of u and how bout giveing less work, you guys giving us all this work like we gettin 6 or 10 credits we only getting 2, and syop with the threats with oh im taking 1 credit away when you guys know u really arnt but if you are how bout next year u pull the student aside and really say oh im taking a credit away so they know that your serious.

  29. Nazria Ramjohn
    What was the most interesting thing you learned in summer school? What did you find to be challenging about summer school? If you could give one piece of advice to another Emerson student about summer school, what would it be?
    If you could give one piece of advice to the Emerson summer school staff about what to do differently next year, what would you tell us?
    The most interesting thing that i learned in summer school was that everyone makes mistakes in high school and in life we are not always going to have it like that. The most challenging thing about summer school would be the math part of the project, it was probably because we had to find the math equations. My advice to another Emerson student would be to finish all of your work and don't mess up. I would give the staff member advice to do more clubs, better lunch and less models. I burned my self with glue to much

  30. 1. One thing I learned in summer school is the little things come up big in the long run. As in global warming, one person can influence dozens of people around them to change.
    2. The most challenging part of summer school is staying positive. I felt some way that I flunked and ended up in summer school. So starting afresh really helped me stay in summer school.
    3. Next year, I will tell an Emerson student not to fool around. Yeah their day may be long but don’t mess up for no foolishness. You can curse out a teacher and have fun with it now, but they will have the last laugh when that F is on your report card.
    4. The Emerson staff …. Uh they did an amazing job to be honest. They just got to make next year a little new. I actually learned a lot from the teachers.

  31. The most interesting thing I learned in summer school was global warming in general. What was challenging about summer school was getting up in the morning. If I were to give one piece of advice, complete your work. If I were to give advice to the staff it would be to let us in for breakfast in the morning.
    Harold Abt

  32. Thomas Rajeh

    1- The most interesting thing I learned was about the polar ice caps melting. I had no clue that they where meling that fast
    2- the most chalanging thing about summer school was writing all those papers in the morning. It wasnt fun.
    3- my advise to an Emerson student would be to show up on time and don't get loud with ms.cano, she will drop your credit
    4- I can't say I'd tell any of the teacher change the program at call it was fine the way it is.

  33. Syteria Perminter

    the most interesting thing we did in summer school was watch all the the movies about natural disasters that helped me learn a lot
    the most challenging thing was writing a lot and the four classes in the morning
    my advise would be to be on time and do your work
    one thing I would tell the teachers are too make us watch more movies

  34. 1 the most interesting thing i learned in summer school was about global warming in genreal . i got to learn more about it
    2-the most challenging thing was the end project even though it was fun to do
    3-advice i would give is dont get summer school . summer is for you to enjoy , not be streesed out
    4-nothing , the staff does there job very well . & they help us just as they woukd in regualr school
