Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 1 - July 8, 2013

Emerson ESY Summer School Online Experience
Day 1 - July 8, 2013

Essential Question: How have natural disasters impacted society?

In the comment box below, answer the following questions. You may want to compose your answer in a word document and copy/paste it into the comment box below.

People often say it is the randomness of natural disasters that makes them devastating. 
Define "randomness".
Define "devastating".
Explain how natural disasters are random and are NOT random.
Use examples from the list of natural disasters to show both ideas.


  1. Ramanpreet Kaur
    People often say it is the randomness of natural disaster that makes them devastating. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines random as “without definite aim, direction, rule, or method.” Things that happen without being planned ahead of time, or when things come out of nowhere they are considered random. The same dictionary defines devastate as “to reduce to chaos, disorder, or helplessness.” You could say natural disasters are both random and not random because they aren’t planned, they just happen, but with the technology we have today we are informed about them ahead of time which makes them not random. Take for example Super Storm Sandy; it was a known fact that New York City doesn’t get hurricanes or Super Storms which is what made Sandy so random. Everyone was prepared for it and knew approximately how bad it would be and even when it would be occurring which is what made it not random.

    1. Thanks Ramanpreet. Do you think NYC will see more hurricanes in years to come?

  2. Marisol Rodriguez
    Randomness: something that occurs out of nowhere/ unexpected

    Devastating: something that hurts really bad and is shocking to you

    How they are random: Natural disasters are random because they can appear unexpectedly without notice, or late notice. For example maybe a hard thunderstorm and it causes flooding and ruins houses or cars etc.

    How they aren’t random: some natural disasters aren’t random because global warming is what causes most of the natural disasters. For example avalanches are caused by global warming because throughout the years the heat has been melting the ice which causes it to fall.

  3. Lisandro Jimenez
    Posting homework number one -.-

    Randomness: Moment in time that something occur out of the blue

    Devastating: A tragic moment that impact people also an emotion state of mind after a tragic event.

    Natural disaster can random because they can appear random for example Hurricane Sandy Hit New York randomly to us we never expected something like that.

    Natural disaster can not be random for example driving cars we are polluting the air witch is helping cause global warming

  4. Jennifer Chen
    Randomness is when things/events happen unpredictably.
    Devastating is when you experience a sudden death of a loved one causing you to be extremely emotional.
    I believe that natural disasters can be random because some natural disasters such as tsunamis and tornadoes can occur at any time without a warning or a last minute evacuation warning.
    Natural Disasters are not random because natural disasters like hurricanes, and blizzards can be detected by meteorologists using scientific technology to determine the weather.

  5. Randomness: something unexpected

    Devastating: destructive / causing great shock

    Natural disasters can be considered random because sometimes the impact of a disaster can be much more severe than expected. For example Hurricane Sandy was expected to be bad, but people weren't prepared for the actual impact. The destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy, like on the Jersey Shore board walk, was devastating. But because there were warnings, people knew that Hurricane Sandy was coming, and there was preparation, so in that way it was not random. And because there are ways of predicting disasters they are not always random.
    Janel Russell

  6. Randomness: A unknown and unnessecary doing of a person place or thing.
    Devastating: A shocking and badly damage situation.
    Natural disasters are random because no one knows when they are coming. They are not random because people should expect them to come but not know when.
    Random: earthquakes, sandstorm
    Not random: hurricane, tornado

    1. Thanks Kyle. Why do you think hurricanes and tornadoes are not random?

    Randomness- something that happens out of nowhere that's not expected
    Devastating- A sudden change
    natural disasters are and are not random because we don't really know how much damage they are going to do but we have technology now a days that can tell us when they are coming such as tornados and so on. but tsunamis and hurricanes can be random

  8. Tyanna Huff
    Natural disasters can happen anywhere at anytime and we can’t do anything at all to stop it. In some ways people can consider natural disasters pretty much unpreventable. However, how random are they really? To us, only creates who inhabit this Earth, very. So random that we don’t even see them coming, much like those who have ever been caught in a tsunami. Scientist has even noted that tsunamis are hard to predict, that is for us any how. The Earth is an amazing place to live, that supply us with food and shelter and absolutely anything else we have. Being that we can’t communicate with Earth we will never be able to predict anything that our satellites can not see from outer space. Many of the Earths 15 disasters can be caught by a satellite yet many of them happen only when the Earth wants it to and of course at a time that we know nothing about. Disasters that occur under the earth like Earthquakes or even by earths natural geographics such as avalanches or volcanoes are unpredictable. Although scientist try to create a precise earthquake prediction it is sometimes voted whether or not to authorize an evacuation plan due to its unreliableness. Some meteorological natural disasters like tornadoes, droughts, blizzards and hurricanes can be caught on our satellites. Other natural disasters like wild fires are completely based on other products of the earths weather like lightning or the suns heat. Some natural disasters can be undetectable others can. They are neither random or not random because they have such a wide range of categories. Only earth knows what will happen next.

    1. Nice response Tyanna. Do you think that our actions have an effect on whether or not natural disasters occur?

    2. Our actions greatly influence some natural disasters. In fact we are the ones who actually created global warming. In theory humans are the worst thing that ever happened to earth. From our fuel powered cars to our industrial factories although we are supplying for ourselves and creating an easier way of life we are unintentionally hurting the earth. Nobody 150 years ago would've known that America would have such a large negative impact on the Earth and nobody knew that the factories would hurt us in the long run.

  9. Brittany Garriques randomness: when something has no pattern or objective. Devastating: when there is shock /state of grieve. Natural disasters are random because they can happen at anytime and in any place and 9 times out of 10 they come without warning. and although we sometimes get warning that the disaster we don't know how strong or mild it is going to be . for example hurricane sandy came as a big shock to everyone because no one expected it to be that devastating although people were warned they still didn't know how serious it was going to be. natural Disasters can also be considered as not random because some natural disasters are caused by us the people.. for example we are the cause of global warming if we didn't litter and we took care of the atmosphere we wouldn't have to deal with melting of glaciers and pollution in the atmosphere we go about it in the right way and go green we can prevent global warming. BRITTANY GARRIQUES

  10. Faith Talley

    Randomness: is when something is done out of spite, with no real reason for doing something. The all of a sudden urge to want to do something no matter the consequence.

    Devastating: Is when something terrible has happen or is about to happen. For example. it is never good hearing about the death of a loved one or even a close friend.

  11. Taren Lawrence
    Randomness: When something happens surprisingly/something unexpected
    Devastating: The feeling of when a tragedy happens
    Natural disasters are random and not random in a sense.What makes a natural disaster random is that a storm is unpredictable to a certain extent.For example, a random natural disaster would be one that you know is coming but the severity is more that you thought it would be. You never know what can happen in a storm. What makes a storm not random is that meteorologist can try to predict how bad the storm will be and help people prepare properly for it. A not random natural disaster is one that you know is coming and you know for sure the severity of it and you are well prepared for it.

  12. Nathaniel Boyce

    Randomness- When something occurs without any kind of waning.
    Devastating- An event that is shocking, and involves death.

    Natural Disasters can be random, because, no one can estimate when they might occur. They might not be random, because people are still aware of them happening and taking place.

    Random Natural Disasters: Flooding & Blizzard
    Not Random Natural Disasters: Tsunami & Tornado

  13. Tatiyanna Islar

    -Randomness: is unexpected or something out of the blue that you didnt see coming
    -Devastating:A feeling thats overwhelming & very upsetting and/or severe damaging causing widespread damage

    One may say a natural disaster is random but thats not true everything happens for a reason , meaning there are events or cause & effect that lead up to desastorous events .

    For example : Cause - Glaciers melting & getting smaller .Effect- The rise in sea levels

    Cause-Earthquake forming in a subduction zone
    Effect- Tsunami forms & etc

  14. Izaiah Shedrick
    Homework #1
    Randomness: is when something occurs without any warning, almost like a surprise.
    Devastating: is when something occurs and it has a bad outcome, sometimes meaning death, or just not a happy ending.
    Natural disasters are random because we can’t control mother nature and when a natural disaster will occur. A natural disaster is always random because in a split second a simple passing cloud could turn into a thunderstorm, or thunder storm could end up in a hurricane with flash flooding. With today’s technology you could just simply watch the news fir about 5 minutes or so, or even use your phone just to find out what could be occurring later on today or even in the week. we can never be sure of when a natural disaster will occur but we can always get an idea of it

  15. Randomness:Something that was unexpected

    Devastating:Something that does damage

    Natural disasters are random because no one can expect whether or not its coming. Its not random because meteorologist have the tools to check when the disaster is approaching.

    Random: tsunami
    Not Random: Hurricane

  16. Ryan Ricketts
    Randomness: A chain of events happening at different times
    Devastating: To lay to waste.
    Random Natural Disasters happen at way different times that keep you guessing when then next disaster will happen.
    Not Random Disasters happen at a sequence of times. When the domino effect is set in motion when 1 disaster sets off another.

  17. Bryan Babu

    Randomness: When something unexpected occurs.
    Devastating: A severe and shocking blow.

    Some natural disasters can be random because they can occur anywhere and at anytime. Meteorologists can predict how close the nature disaster is but they can't predict how bad it will hit an area and how much damage it can cause. An example of a non random natural disaster are hurricanes. An example of a random natural disaster are volcanic eruptions.

  18. Diresh Sukhram
    Randomness: Something that happens totally unexpected at any time and/or place.
    Devastating: Something that is highly destructive and causes shock.
    Random Natural disasters can happen at anytime and cannot be predicted. One type of random natural disaster is an earthquake. You do not know where it will be, how much damage it will cause, or even how strong it is. Only after it happens you will know what to do.
    Non-random natural disasters can happen at anytime also but they can most likely be predicted such as a hurricane. When meteorologists see a hurricane is forming in their data, you can actually prepare for it such as stocking up on supplies like water, food, gasoline, etc. or you could even avoid it by moving out of the area the hurricane is happening.

  19. Nazria Ramjohn
    Randomness: Randomness is something that is out of order, no exact pattern or chance.
    Devastating: Devastating is when something is destroyed or shocking or damaged.
    Nature’s disaster is random because you never know when it is going to happen, many can predict but it depends on the earth and there are no exact dates. An example of a nature’s disaster that is random would be volcanoes. There is a volcano in Hawaii names Kilauea and people still live around there but it’s a risk, yes. That volcano has not erupted in a long time and nobody knows when it will. Nature’s disasters are also not random because they are predicted by people that are known as Meteorologist. Meteorologist’s job is to study the earth’s atmosphere and the weather conditions that will occur. For example Hurricane Katrina, a natural disaster that is not random is one thing that they study in terms of location, level, etc. They tell use when it is coming and what we should do to stay safe. There predictions are accurate.

  20. People often say it is the randomness of natural disasters that makes them devastating.
    Define "randomness".
    Define "devastating".
    Explain how natural disasters are random and are NOT random.
    Use examples from the list of natural disasters to show both ideas.

    To be random is to be unpredictable that’s my definition of the word. And by that definition of the word natural disasters are becoming less and less random. Take tornadoes for example. The average warning time for a tornado is about 13 minuets this seems like its not a lot of time but in that kind of moments its more than enough time to grab something ... anything and get clear of any kind of danger. This reaction time is still being tinkered with so that the warning time can increase which can only help the situation.

    Devastating: an emotion that involves intense sadness, usually accompanied with bad news. A natural disaster can be devastating because they have the ability to destroy everything you love and if you’re not quick enough your life as well. Volcanoes have the ability to destroy everything in their wake and in the famous pompey accident volcanoes showed that they can completely wipe out life in their areas as well.

  21. Home work number 1.
    Defined randomness: Anything that occurs unexpectedly without anyone knowing.

    Devastating : highly destructive or damaging causing severe shock distress or grief

    Natural disasters are random because they can happen any time of the day. For example earthquaks in ms.divjak class today she stated we can predict that a earthquake is coming soon because of scientific equipment they use to check the stress of the rocks. Just like she predicted that hurricane sandy sandy was coming but in another way.But there not random because of equipment scientists use to see when a disaster is coming

  22. i think that randomness can be defined as something that happens unexpectedly or unplanned
    "Devastating" can be described as a reaction to something bad.
    Natural disasters are random because they can be prevented by stopping pollution, using electrical cars instead of gasoline, carpooling e.t.c which people are beginning to do now but these disasters still occur.
    Natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes are NOT random because they can be seen from outer space and we can be worn that they are coming and what direction there going . For Example: when we saw a small hurricane Katrina from space we were warned that a storm was coming and to be prepared , as it moved across the warm ocean are it became larger and we got a even bigger, stronger warning for everyone to be prepared.
    Dominique Crandell

  23. Tejwantie Ramdial

    "Randomness" is when an event takes place with no warning and it is unexpected. It happens at any time and anywhere.

    "Devastating" is when a highly destructive and damaging event happens. It causes shock, grief, and severe distress.

    Natural disasters are random because they happen at any time and they happen all over the world. With so many natural disasters taking place now, they can all be considered "random". We don't know when they are going to happen or where. There is nothing we can do to prevent a natural disaster from occurring. Some natural disasters are not random because, us humans cause them. Even though we know there are ways to prevent them, we continue to make the situation worse. Some natural disasters can also be predicted ahead of time, so we can at least evacuate the area.

    Volcanoes are an example of a random natural disaster. For example Mount St. Helens in Washington, although it is inactive it can still erupt at any time. When this happens it would be unexpected, people that live in the area would have to evacuate before it's too late.

    An example of a devastating natural disaster is a hurricane. Although hurricanes can be detected from satellites, there is nothing we can do to prevent it. Hurricane Sandy was devastating for people along the east coast. Even though we know it was coming many chose to not leave. Hurricanes aren't common, so we didn't think anything of it. However the impact proved that it was much more than we expected.

  24. Morgan Bishop HomeWork 1
    Randomness: Something that occurs unexpectedly
    Devastating: Causing severe shock, grief, and distress

    How Natural Disasters Are Random: They are random because they can happen at any time. We may not have the warning or we just couldn't realize when the storm would hit.
    Example : Tsunami, Tornado, Blizzard
    How They Aren't Random: Weather People can predict when some of them can hit. they will never predict how much damage they can do.

  25. Randomness: something that occurs unexpectedly .

    Devastating: something bad happening and you getting emotional .

    Natural disasters happen randomly because when don't expect it to happen . Depending on what we are doing anything can cause these disasters and we aren't able to know it .

    Natural disasters do not happen randomly because we will be warned what and when the disaster will occur such as hurricanes , tsunamis , earthquakes , ect.

  26. Randomness Is something happening spontaneously without predictability .
    Devasting is when something happens that is highly destructive and damaging.

    Natural disasters are not always random for instance hurricanes we can predict and get ready for. On the other hand natural disasters such as tornadoes can be predicted but the damage done from it regardless unless your home is made of steel will be devastating.

    - MattyyyP

    1. Thanks Matt but please include your full name tonight when you post.

  27. Thomas Rajeh-

    Randomness- a even that happens completely unexpectedly
    Devastating- something that leaves a person or object in worse condition then it began.

    natural disasters are random because the people will never know when one can happen. people just walking around the city wouldn't know that under them and earth quake is happing.

    on the flip side natural disasters aren't random because scientist can predict when they will hit. just like when super storm sandy hit new York we knew in advanced and braced for it so therefor isn't random

  28. Da'Meek Bristole:
    Devastating something that just happens that no one expects or something that happens that is devastating like something sad like death.

    Natural disaster: is something that happens random something not really expected like hurricane sandy that recently happen or katrina that left many people homeless.

    NATURAL: storms, earthquakes tornadoes, avalanches
    DEVASTATING: death car accident

  29. Randomness-An inexplicable misfeature; gratuitous inelegance,
    Devastating-to confound or overwhelm, as with grief or shock

    Natural disasters are random because they can happen anytime and any where and at anytime.Natural disasters are not random because some places on planet earth,are known to have them.Some areas on our planet have disasters more frequently than other places.
    Forest fires such as the ones that happen on the west coast in places like Los Angles are random because of the heat and severe weather such as lightning in that area.They are also known to have forest fires on that side of the Earth on a regular basis.This type of disaster causes great damage to our planet.
    A non random natural disaster would be a loss event.A loss event can be a person having an accident in their car. This is non-random natural disaster because it can be prevented.It can be devastating to the people involved.

  30. Randomness: is when something unexpected or out of the ordinary occurs .
    Devastating : is when something mad occurs or when something bad shocks you into a shocking mind state.
    Natural disasters can occur at any given time which means there random. No one knows for sure when certain types of natural disasters are going to occur because natural disasters are not man made. For example , no man can tell when an earthquake , a forest fire , or a tsunami will occur because those are known as random natural disasters. Natural disasters can be classified as not random because specialist can predict when a hurricane or a blizzard is coming .

  31. Randomness: When something happens haphazardly.
    Devastation: When something is destroyed.

    I don't believe in "random" natural disasters because their are satellites that can track storms all over the world. After seeing these occurrences, meteorologists relay messages to the public usually stating if you should stay in your house or to find better shelter.
    Devon Danglade

  32. Jillian Johnson

    Randomness means like it be the most unexpected times when natural disaster happen

    Devastating means high damage and destruction

    Natural disater happen randomly some times you never know when they gonna happen
    Then other times people have been studying about the disaster so it won't be as random

    For example we was warned about Hurricane Sandy but other places wasn't warned about certain disasters so it came as a surprise

  33. Randomness: Its something that occurs very random. No warnings, unexpected , just random.
    Devastating: When something occurs ,and you have a shocked feeling about it , doesn't necessary have to be a disaster that put people in a devastated state , but it is something major that would.

    Natural disasters can be random, because you sometimes don't expect it to happen near you , or you just don't expect it to hit you period , and when it does hit and hits hard your left in shock which leaves some "devastated".
    Natural disasters aren't random because you have people, that can predict when natural disasters, will occur , so it wouldn't be that random , you know whats coming your way .
    Tornado's happen to be random , they sometimes occur out of no where.
    Hurricanes aren't random because you can see them , and know when their coming because you get more of a early warning .
    - Allea Green

  34. Calvin Munroe
    Definition of randomness: having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective
    Definition of devastation: highly destructive or damaging

    How they are random: Natural Disasters can appear at anytime without any type of warning. An example would be hurricane sandy because we didn't expect it to have such a big impact on us as it did.
    How they aren't random: some disasters like a tornado can be predicted by Meteorologist which may lead to the evacuation of a small town to help save lives

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  36. Randomness: When something happens unexpectedly; out of the blue.
    Devastating: When you find out depressing news about a recent tragedy.
    -Natural disasters are random because they can happen anywhere and anytime. There may be things such as a hurricane watch where you know it's coming but it isn't always like that. For example, the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 was random, no one knew it was coming until it was there. Sure it was predicted in the past but there wasn't an exact date for when it would happen which is what made it random.
    -Natural disasters are also not random because like I said before, there can be a tornado or hurricane watch on your TV. Hurricane Irene in 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012 weren't random. We knew what we were having.
    -Addasi Barton

  37. Randomness- is unexpected , something that happens with no type of warning. no conscience of it happening.
    devastating- is a feeling , like the feeling of devastation.being shocked . something being destroyed is devastating , the feeling of devastation comes.

    a natural disaster can be random because it can happen at anytime. with out any warning . a natural disaster sometimes isnt random because scientist and weather men can predict it. from previous information they found. thats how a disaster in general is predictable.

    a random disatser can be a flood . it could be raining to much . they do send flood watches after they see how the rain is

    a tusnami , hurricane, tornardo & other disasters are not random because scientist use data from before to predict when its going to happen . they can give a little idea on the outcomes but no one actually know . thats why we take all these precautions .

    Brittany Jean-Lubin

  38. Tavon Manley
    Homework #1
    Randomness- means it is unpredictable, it catches people off guard, it can never be expected, and is usually never thought.
    Devastating- means a tremendous amount of damage it can be physical, emotional, or mentally painful to you or things around you.

    Natural Disasters before technology were more random because they couldn't keep track of unusual or drastic changes in the environment. But in some cases like hurricane sandy (super storm)people don't expect devastating storms like that to happen in a city like new York.
    Natural Disasters aren't random because the advances in technology has made it easier to predict weather changes before they even start. we can now predict how intense storms can be and were earthquakes will occur.

  39. People often say it is the randomness of natural disasters that makes them devastating. In other words, the lack of knowledge on when or how a natural disaster may occur is what makes them destructive. Randomness is when no specific pattern, motive or objected is in presence. Devastating is to be effective in a disastrous way.

    Natural disasters are both random and non random. They are random because they can occur at any time of the day. But, they are also non random because scientists are able to gather statistics that help them figure out where and around what time these disasters might occur.

    An example of a random natural disaster: Tornadoes because they often occur without a specific time and warning.
    An example of a non random natural disaster: Hurricanes such as Hurricane Sandy which occurred with a given warning.

    -Isma Chaudhary

  40. Randomness - something that happens with no warning .

    Devastating- when your in shocked Or some type of disbelief.

    Most of the time a natural disaster can be random because their are no type of
    warnings it could just happen with one blink of and eye .

    A natural disaster can be cause by Global warming such as avalanches . They are
    caused by heat making the ice melt overtime . This is an example of how a
    natural disaster isn't random because if we don't take good care of our earth
    itself we basically are the cause .


  41. Randomness- is when something or someone come up unexspected with out someones knowlege.

    Devastating- to be in shock of something bad that has just happened

    a random disaster is somethjng that can happen at anytime without any given warning for example a tornadoe which can just appear. A non random disaster is a disaster that can be tracked and can have given warning when it will aprroach but can not be stopped like recently hurricane sandy.

  42. Ndubisi Madu

    Natural disasters impacts society in ways we may know it or not. There are two corresponding factors to this.
    1. Randomness – Occurs at unexpected, uncalled times. A natural disaster can be called Random because it could surprise everyone at the moment they least expect it. For instance, an Earthquake can be known as Randomness, as it adds on to another storm.
    2. Devastating – Of severe or high shock. Devastating disasters are not so random because most of the time we are warned and prepared for it, just not for the impact the storm has up its sleeves. Examples of devastating storms are blizzards, and the infamous Hurricane Sandy. Yeah we were warned and took precautions, however the damage inflicted took months for us to recover.

  43. Randomness is when anything can happen at any time. Devastating is causing great grief or destruction. Natural disasters can be both random and not random. An earthquake for example can be random although certain elements like the force of the quake, how much more pressure it’ll take to break a rock from the fault can be predicted of an earthquake. Other natural disasters like a tornado are not random. Wind patterns can be looked at to see if a tornado can form.
    Harold Abt

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