Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 8 - July 17, 2013

Day 8 - July 17, 2013

When warned about a natural disaster arriving at a certain location, some residents do not heed the warning. Explain one situation when this has happened. Why do you think this occurs?


  1. Some residents are not warned because people dont have the technology like we have today..

  2. This happened on the day of hurricane sandy. This occurs because people think its best to stay in their home but staying home won't do much if your house is destroyed

  3. When Hurricane sandy was going to hit, everyone took it as a joke. When Hurricane Irene hit, it barely did much damage. Everyone assumed that Hurricane sandy would be the same thing. This occurs when people assume the natural disaster wouldn't be as bad as it sounds, or they think they'll be fine when the natural disaster hits.

    some residents when hurricane Katrina happened didn't take the warning seriously.and in the end ended up loosing everything or even their lives or someone close to them. when given out a waring everyone should take caution and prepare them selves for the worst. because you never know exactly how bad the natural disaster could be.

  5. Marisol Rodriguez

    Residents heeded hurricane sandy. they probably thought that it wouldnt do much damage to their area so they didnt prepare, or bother to go to a safe place. the outcome of hurricane sandy probably took them by surprise. this shows you should never underestimate a natural disaster. you should always prepare for one as its the strongest one the world has ever had.

  6. No one believed that Hurricane Sandy was going to be as devastating, as it was. The reason why no one took heed to what was being said, is because they thought it was going to be like every other hurricane/storm. This occurs when everyone listen's to what everyone else say's.

  7. One situation where a person was warned about a natural disaster and did not follow the warnings was during hurricane sandy.A woman who lived in Staten Island named Glenda Moore did not follow directions because she put her 2 children in her car and they were buried in water, trees, and debris. She should have went to the shelter instead of her and her 2 kids going out in the storm when she knows that it was bad out there. I think this occurs because she was in a rush and she was panicking and she knows it was bad and she didn't listen.

  8. When warned about a natural disaster arriving at a certain location, some residents do not heed the warning. A situation when this occurred was right here in New York City. When we were warned about Hurricane Sandy, I don't think that anyone really took it seriously. Everyone knows that NYC doesn't get hurricanes, well thats what we thought, and still do considering hurricane Sandy was later downgraded to Super Storm Sandy. Due to the fact that many people did not heed warnings they realized after that they should have took precautions when first warned because a lot of people lost electricity and suffered from it. Many people also had flooded basements. Where I live, although we didn't lose electricity, many trees fell that crushed cars and even houses.

  9. Brittany garriques one example of this happening is sandy because nobody believed it was going to be bad . so nobody evacuated they all stayed in there homes but once the storm came they wanted to leave but it was too late

  10. One situation that had residents who refused to evacuate even after evacuation warning system was in the Philippines Taal Volcano Island. It had a history of eruption and its most recent one was only 34 years before then. At that time the volcano was predicted to have erupted for more than a month. But residents like Peter Mangabuhat, 24, ignore the warnings. "These rumblings are normal for us. We are not scared. Why are they not allowing tourists here? You know it's very easy to evacuate using our boats once there is an explosion," said Mangabuha. Mind you they feel this way when it's known to be one of the most deadliest volcano out of 23 of earths volcanoes. While its most violent volcano was in 1911 killing about 1,300 people which was more than half the population. Another reason why citizens don't leave is because they feel like that is their home. Asked what he would do if the volcano did suddenly erupt, he said: "I am confident it will not come to that. Taal loves its people."

  11. Some people might not heed it because maybe they haven't experienced it before. Maybe in that certain location , there's hardly and natural disasters,or their not used too it . If some people aren't used to things , they wont pay attention to things. One example would be hurricane sandy . Alot of people just didn't pay attention at all.
    -Allea Green

  12. Tavon Manley
    Many people don't leave when they get warnings is because no one takes them seriously and feel they can't get affected by the storm or whatever the warning may be. Many families during hurricane sandy stayed in their homes instead of evacuating and ended up getting hurt.

  13. What I think is the most situation that has happened is hurricane sandy because maybe people that I wasn't going to be as bad as it ended up . That's why they stayed in that situation. Many other families has evacuated when they were warned to . Many power outage and flooding has happened by many people weren't concerned about because they thought they were safe.

  14. Diresh Sukhram
    When people hear about natural disasters that are going to happen very soon, people do not think that it will end up as bad as it will or they don't really believe that it is that big of a deal. Only when people actually see the destruction of the disaster, only then will they believe and start listening, but by then it will be too late.

  15. Some people do not make conscious of this warning because they think that the aftermath will not be as bad. When warned about hurricane Karina, residence of new orleans did not evacuate because of the high water barrier built to block water from rising above ocean level. The government provided information saying that this hurricane can be bad but residents refused to leave their area because of this barrier that was so "water proof"

  16. People do not leave when they hear warnings because they don't believe it until they see it happening themselves. Sometimes they feel that they are safe enough to stay out of harms way until they get harmed .

  17. Many people do not listen to warnings for natural disasters that might occur in their area. One example is Hurricane Sandy. A lot of people didn't take Sandy seriously because they thought it was just going to be a little storm like Irene. People start believing a disaster until it happens but the damage will already be done because they chose not to listen to the warnings and evacuate.

  18. Some residents do not heed the warning of a natural disaster because they grew up in the house that the disaster is striking. They have a childhood memories that could never be taken away from them. Also it because people can't afford to go anywhere else. Houses now are very expensive. Sometimes also in areas they can't be notified because they don't have that type of technology yet. People may just also know how to take care of the house well enough because they have experienced a disaster before and know what and how to handle the situation. It's honestly about how much experience they have with disasters. Its honestly most of the time that they don't wanna leave the house behind because they cant afford a new one or they inherited the house from the parents. Memories and childhood would be a good reason not to leave. In general however you have to make sure that you know the financial part of the damages if you do intend to stay within the area you are currently living in.

  19. Hurricane Irene wasn't that bad and it caused people to believe that Hurricane Sandy wasn't gonna be bad so people took it upon themselves to ignore the warnings that Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Christie had relayed to them. Over 200 people died in that hurricane.

  20. Tatiyanna Islar

    When warned about a natural disaster arriving at a certain location, some residents do not heed the warning because in situations such as Super Storm Sandy most people didnt take the storm as serious as they should have. hose who were warned to evacuate the premises , TInstead of fleeing their homes they chose to stay in the area. In which their homes were destroyed and many were left either injured or dead.

  21. Most residents don't listen to the warnings about a natural disaster coming because they don't think it might occur. But most residents listen to the warnings but can't do nothing because they have no where to go to evacuate. Hurricane Katrina is an example of people not listening to the warnings or they just don't have no place to evacuate to.

  22. people get told theirs a natural disaster in their area. most evacuate. but there are a few that dont. and alot of them get harmed because of it. this could be for alot of reasons like they have pets or kids that they dont want to be exposed to a shelter.

  23. An example of people not leaving when warned about a natural disaster was jersey during hurricane sandy. They were warned about the severity of the hurricane, but after hurricane Irene they didn't think hurricane sandy was going to be so bad. The people were told that things would be alright for them. They trusted what the reports were saying, but they didn't listen.

    janel russell

  24. When natural disasters are about to occur, many people tend to ignore all warnings. Their excuses result in some including "I lived here for decades and no storm they called extraordinary dangerous actually happened.", "The news is exaggerating everything" and "I don't care. I'm staying right here. Nothing will happen." One example is Hurricane Katrina. No one listened to any type of warning given out. As a result, 1577 people in Louisiana died, tons of thousands of people lost their homes. When a warning for a hurricane or natural disaster is given, you must listen and evacuate to higher ground and a safer place.

  25. Lisandro Jimenez

    this happened during hurricane sandy many people were told to evacuate their homes because their homes were in an area where they could get affected by the storm. many of the people stayed in their homes because they felt like the storm was going to just pass by and not be that harsh to be able to harm anyone. they probably thought this because past hurricanes werent as strong and didnt cause as much damage. people should always be prepared for the worse and i think they learned their lesson

  26. People didn’t heed the warning of hurricane sandy in NY. One of the reasons was because hurricanes don’t really happen in NY even though we are in the zone for them. Another reason was all the stubborn people that said it wasn’t going to be bad. That was because of Irene, the reports said it was going to be bad but it really wasn’t. Now I think people will think twice to heed the warnings given.
    Harold Abt

  27. Ryan Ricketts

    Hear in The United States, people have been warned about a storm or Hurricane passing through. This Hurricane was known as Hurricane Sandy and she was the strongest Hurricane New York faced. The people did not listen to the warnings because; they people did not find the situation life threatening to them. The people have probably been in another situation like this that caused them to stay. They have probably faced worst then this find irrelevant

  28. dameek bristole

    Hurricane Sandy was the cauese of thee death of tons of people that lost therer homes,heat and there power to the ecetoral.people how no idea that a natural disaster is about to happen andd still goses on like hurrican sandy happen for a week

  29. When warned about a natural disaster arriving at a certain location, some residents do not heed the warning. Explain one situation when this has happened. Why do you think this occurs?

    Well one situation that comes to mind was hurricane Sandy that hit New Orleans. What we all know happened there as that the locals were warned that this storm were coming but they thought that the defenses that they put up were good enough for the storm that they thought was going to hit. When sandy hit it took many by surprise since it was larger and more powerful than expected.

  30. one situation that would be a good example is hurricane sandy. people were told in all different types of ways to evacuate their homes and to get to a safe place, yet they stayed in their houses. i think this occurs because of the fact new york wasn't really known for major hurricanes, nobody thought it would be a big deal. another possible reason could be that maybe the family had no where to go and didn't want to take their chances in a shelter, because they knew all of the havoc and chaos they would have to deal with, so they took their chances with staying in their houses, this way they had some sort of security, by at least feeling safe in their own home.

  31. Nazria Ramjohn
    I think that people don't heed after being notified because they feel that it will just blow over and the case isn't serious. When people have that mentality built up, it gives them a lot of pride. The homes might be destroyed, cars, land and other items that are theirs. Its not good to have that mind set because if you know that you are in a hazardous area that should not be your first option. You should be prepared for whatever could happen or avoid it as much as possible by having a cellar.

  32. one situation where this has happened was hurricane sandy. some residents like the ones in queens did not need so much warning because it didn't have so much of a big effect as apposes to for example long island or far rock that had a lot more serious damages than queens did. there were people left homeless in those areas.

  33. Tejwantie Ramdial

    When warned about a natural disaster arriving at a certain location, many people ignore the warning. People living in evacuation areas, such as far rock away chose to stay in their homes. No one expected sandy to be as devastating as it was. Many of us never experienced a hurricane, or any other natural disaster we didn't know what to expect. I think many people thought it would just be a little rain and then it'll pass. We never prepared for anything like what it really was. We just think the media makes the situation look more serious than it really is, so many people just choose to ignore it. People thought a strong hurricane would never hit New York, that's why many people chose to stay in their homes.

  34. Some people don't pay attention because may e they don't have television to broadcast the news or maybe they don't have a radio. Also some people don't watch the news or think its important. Since they' did not pay attention they will be in midde of the natural disaster

  35. one example of this was hurricane sandy. they did warn many , but they mainly stressed the fact of sandy to residents that live near the water. people that live near the beach & jersey shore. people stayed in their homes because no one was expecting their homes to swim away with the waves. we all watched the news but we didnt believe it would be as severe as it was.
